To start a Battle Report fill in the captions below and click the Submit button. If a fleet with that number is found in our database it will be displayed below. Every Fleet ID number is unique and can be found in the upper left hand corner of the Fleet Builder and View Fleet pages.

Note: E-mail addresses will not be displayed in the public battle report.

Player #1 Name:   Player #2 Name:   
Player #1 E-Mail:   Player #2 E-Mail:   
Fleet ID #1:   Fleet ID #2:   
Battle Date:   Historical Date:   
Objective: Scenario:
Game Result:


Points System:


Civilian Ships

Land Based Aircraft

Points System:


Civilian Ships

Land Based Aircraft

If the above information looks correct, click the button below to save this battle to the database and add more detail to the battle report.

Note : If two fleets don't appear above, clicking the link below will do nothing.